Thursday, June 08, 2006

Fo' Shizzle...
First of all - for those of you who know what this used be (my chest - ouch - HA!)...enjoy!...I know I am! it's healing up nicely and there's a bit more shading than can be seen in the photo...Second of all - check out the link for the last/latest issue of the ROK Steady...I wrapped it up before I went on leave and just hadn't posted it or the link...overall a decent training issue with great photos from folks all over the peninsula...that and of course some outstanding concepts, layouts and designs! HA!... as for writing an actual post...I'm workin' on it, just kinda lazy lately while trying to figure some things out - some of life's questions and what not...anyway - hope all as well with all of you...and of course: Go Mavs!


salemonz said...

Was that the ex's name? Mmmmmmm, bare chests!!!

brogonzo said...

Salemonz -- Yes, that is definitely a picture of Finchboob.

Anonymous said...

Looks good Chris....

Finch said...

i think i just threw up a little in my mouth...sssssspectacular...ok...uh...yeah - moving right along...

brogonzo said...

Salemonz... I guess there's your answer. WTF?!