Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The blending of days that became Tuewensday...

5:30am - Tuesday morning: dark, COLD, alarm is going off -uhhhhg - snooze button...

6:04am - oh crap - GOTTA GO!...layers are placed over my body and I'm off for glorious physical training which of course is preceeded by 15 to 25 minutes of standing around outside in the sub 20 degree weather waiting...for what we never quite figure out...

7:40am - walking EVERYWHERE sucks...still cold outside...slipped on ice - ice sucks TOO!...back from PT phew...time to start the day...

9am - at work...yippie! time to rile up the troops!...or not...

work, work - bullshit a bit - a little more work...

4pm - time to go to work AGAIN...report for CQ...and this is the start of my DUTY from 4pm til 9 in the freggin morning...there is nothing happy about this...yes people, after rousing me from my pleasant slumber at what I like to refer to as the ass-crack of dawn and then completing a FULL regular duty day - it's time to go to work AGAIN...

6pm - eat some food - awesome...

9pm - walk around all the buldings in my area of operations...usually makes for about a 25 minute roundtrip...gotta make sure all the soldiers didn't burn the barracks down or anything...i love it!...nope - not burned down...all is quiet - everyone is going to bed early for fear of an early morning work call - word on the street is that we're supposed to get the call around 3am for everyone to report ready to be hooah and what not...either way - still got 12 more hours to go...

10pm - nothing
11pm - nothing
12pm - nothing
1am - uh oh...sleepy...here comes the pain...
2am - eyes hurt...wanna go to bed - not allowed...i love this...
3am - oops - think i was out for a bit...nothing going on - waste of time...
4am - no phone call to alert the troops...huh...brain hurts now...legs gettin wobbly...
5am - nothing
6am - people...go away - just want to go home...tired...cranky...uhhhhhg...
8am - call for a cab to get me in an hour and take me to my crib...to far to walk - to cold to walk - to tired to walk...walking sucks...
9am - released (yes, that's what they call it - how fitting huh?!)...
9:05am - no cab...very tired now...

9:07am - still no cab...getting mad...

9:10am - no cab - screw this...gotta suck it up and walk...

9:20am - halfway to the house and the phone rings - "you call fo' cab?" - i hate you...click...

9:25am - "home" what a great day(s)!


Anonymous said...

You poor thing. I would give you a back rub but....I'm in the desert!This sucks. At least you get days off. I'm going 7 days a week+school+pt= barely any sleep. There is always some body worse. Remember that sweetheart. Hang in there, you are going to be alright. Take it easy.Play xbox. Drink beer, go out, have fun while you are there.As your uncle would say, Hook'em! Angela

Finch said...

aboslutly right...just thought i'd whine for a little while - that and give some people another example of how their tax dollars are being spent wisely...

Anonymous said...

you think you've got it bad, I almost had to work 5 days last week, luckily i got out of that one though........