Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Xbox 360 Day 1...

Well today was the day...it's been a long time comin'...so I woke up, did PT, showered up and was off to the Post Exchange for some pimpalicious 360 wireless, high-definition goodness...

The PX doesn't usually open 'til 10 so I figured I'd get down there, grab some grubbage and get a haircut before heading into the main store. But, to my surprise, it's opening up at 9 this week - outstanding - things appear to be going well and I'm feeling rather optimistic as I stroll through a nearly empty store on my way to the electronics section...

There's a couple guys who are obviously there for the 360 so I give 'em the head-nod to establish contact and communicate that we are there on the same mission…I ask what the good word on the Xbox is, which is answered by all five of them at the same time with all different versions of the same answer – it’s not here yet, dunno when it’s supposed to get here…so at least I’m there before THE RUSH – and am feeling pretty confident that I’m going to be setting up for some glorious 360 action later on in the evening…sweet!

Should be on the next truck – the shopkeeper guy assures us – it’s already a little after 10 and the “next truck” should be here shortly…during the wait we shoot the shit a bit, making small talk and what not – the funny thing is that I’m not really a “serious gamer” – this fact was thankfully reinforced while conversing with the other waiters of my group – their spitting out facts about the system, the latest online gossip about the 360, they’re talking about computer games and their various online conquests – a few times I found myself both laughing a bit and at the same time feeling strangely awkward and uncomfortable…

The play of the day though was yet to come - walking into the PX I was honestly feeling a little like I was wrong as hell for going to try and buy a video game system, in uniform, during duty hours, and I’m a Sgt. – a freggin’ Noncomissioned Officer – I swear when I first walked in I was waiting for someone to randomly give me shit for not being at work…when I reached the group of “gamers” though some of that went out the window – in the group we had three of the five guys in uniform – a Chief Warrant Officer, a Master Sgt, and another Sgt. like me…THEN the most Army-thing-EVER happened – a Command Sgt. Major (that’s pretty much the cream of the crop and highest ranking Soldier on the enlisted side of the house) walks through and DEMANDS that a list be started NOW – cause “I ain’t got no time to be waitin’ ‘round here.” – and the manager said OK (even though it’s against normal store policy) and brought out a binder – the BEST part though was that the Sgt. Major (who hadn’t even been waiting there with us) grabbed the binder and put his name at the TOP of the list next to #1…I just thought that pretty much summed up everything that the Army is in a nutshell – simply a priceless moment and one that I will remember always! – but I digress…

When the list appeared I hesitated briefly – thinking that I should let the gamers who had been there before me sign there names in first – then something in me woke up and followed the Sgt. Major’s lead…I, my friends, was #3…exxxxxcellent…

Many of them stayed to wait out the delivery trucks and have their emotions ebb and flow with the opening and closing of the warehouse doors – I however left three contact phone numbers and headed off to the office…I checked back during lunch and then again around three…nothin’ - more people were waiting, but no Xbox’s…finally the last truck of the day arrived and while nothing of any importance to me and my counterparts was on it, there was some good news to be had – for me anyway…

Apparently this PX is only getting 40 of these things – that’s it…and apparently they’re going to honor this list when the shipment of the 40 arrives sometime this week…the plan is for them to call the first 40 names in order - everyone then has 24 hours to come get their box or forfeit it…The beauty of it all is that one, I’m #3 on the list and two, my dwelling and my office is about a 10 minute walk from the PX while many had to take buses from different installations to get there today…

So that’s it for now – stay tuned for more Xbox 360 updates…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck on getting the xbox!Angela